EducADULTs is a strategic partnership with 3 partner countries: Slovenia (LUV) and Spain (CEPA Paulo Freire) centers for adults; together with the Czech Republic (GLAFKA) education advisory company. It was born from the analysis of needs of the 2 educational centers where the lack of motivation of students with learning difficulties and low qualifications is detected. Our students show a high risk of exclusion in society due to previous academic failure. Our students need strategies to improve their process of skills acquisition and an effective evaluation/assessment system. 
The EducADULTs methodology is defined as "pilot project" of a group of 24 students and 4 Slovenian-Spanish teachers that tries to implement a series of improvement strategies to optimize adult education. The educational center members – Spanish and Slovenians- will participate in teaching-learning activities while our Czech R. member will be the observer and assessor who will guide us to improve our skills. Besides, the 4 teachers will attend a 3  day-course in the Czech R. and will visit some other Adult Education Center for Good Practices. 
This "Slovenian-Spanish Pilot Team" (12 students and 2 teachers per member) together with a Czech educational advisor (who is our third partner) will experience a series of activities before - during and after the mobilities.
The activities (workshops, meetings, visits, debates) are aimed at improving the basic competencies of students, promoting the reach of adult education through motivation and designing new evaluation paths that allow us to obtain more positive results. The students and professors themselves will evaluate and evaluate the results of their experiences, report the feasibility, suitability and effectiveness of approaches, learning and methodologies in both institutions.
The selection of 2 faculty participants takes place through the Erasmus Project Team 2019.
In our selection process, 12 students that show proactivity towards the tasks and have availability to travel will be selected. Their linguistic and cultural preparation will be taken into consideration, as well as their interest in attending the proposed meetings and their dedication to an audiovisual project that will be requested as a final test.
There will be 3 mobilities:
1.- Spain: 2 teachers and 12 Slovenian students will learn about our methodologies based on the acquisition of digital and linguistic competence in the foreign language of the CEPA Paulo Freire. They will also know our blog system.
2.- Slovenia: 2 teachers and 12 Spanish students will perform observation in the classroom, learn about new educational approaches (Flipped Classroom) and hold workshops on culture and improvement for the acquisition of basic skills.
3.- Czech Republic: 4 teachers advised by the Czech partner. With the reports of the 2 mobilities an exhaustive study will be made on the results obtained. This will be helped by the company GLAFKA, Luka Novotny as educational advisor and participant observer in the mobilities. Once the result has been refined, we will try to put into practice, in the short term, those positive strategies and methodologies that we will conclude and implement the measures and strategies in our own context. The results that we hope for are very positive, since they will help us deduce strategies to facilitate the acquisition of basic skills for students; we will also implement the evaluation system used to document results and improve them. All this will help us to have a more effective outreach and give adult education the good reputation it deserves.
We will measure the impact, qualifying if we have achieved the objectives and, in turn, these have affected the different levels with lasting effect.
- Better results in the final grades of the students.
- Greater variety of teaching and assessment strategies to offer a more personalized teaching.
- Students and teachers will be more motivated, with a stronger feeling of Europe belonging.
We will ensure that these results will be used by other centers, disseminating our experiences periodically as we will use them constantly in our daily practice. The results will be published as the bimonthly and quarterly reports are made, as well as the final report.
- Photos of the work carried out, before-during and after the mobilities will be published, with the consequent explanation of the objective pursued and the milestones achieved. 
- Dissemination in our social networks: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, EPALE and eTwinning, with videos and audiovisual material explaining the results and the impact obtained with each activity.
- Participation in the local educational fair: Aula Fuenlabrada where we will inform potential students about our teaching strategies.
- Dissemination in the written press and local radio of Fuenlabrada, to get the results of the Project to the population of Fuenlabrada.
- Good practices in CRIF or CTIF, where we will discuss the design, development and results of our activities. 


MOB 1: Slovenia and Czech R. visit Spain (January 20th-24th) 
12 Students + 2 teachers + 1 Prague coordinator (observer and final report-maker)
MOB 2: Spain and Czech R. visit Slovenia (March 9th-13th )
12 Students + 2 teachers + 1 Prague coordinator (observer and final report-maker)
MOB 3: Slovenia and Spain attend a course in Czech R. (May 11th- 14th)
2 Spanish teachers + 2 Slovenian teachers + 1 Prague coordinator (observer and final report-maker)


To carry out this project we consider the following previous activities:
Through this equipment (via telephone, video-conference, whatsapp, email) they will be taking measures and making the previously agreed arrangements between the 3 partners.
- Internally of each center:
1.- Follow-up of the project in each faculty staff. In this way, we will keep teachers who participate indirectly informed of all the efforts, activities and progress of the Project.
2.- Preselection - Selection and Election of students and teachers who will participate in the Project directly: As for the students participating in the planned mobility, we will select those who show proactivity towards the tasks and activities carried out in mobility virtual and have availability to travel. We can use your language and cultural preparation as a scale, in addition to your interest in attending the proposed meetings and your dedication to an audiovisual project that will be requested as a final test.
3.- Pre-activities-Preparation of workshops to be held in the host country: cultural, gastronomic and tolerance-based workshops, inclusion, cooperation between countries .. Workshop for document preparation: European health card, certificate digital, request for renewal of DNI or passport by telematic means, etc.
Very important:
a.- Workshops to learn how to use the Europass and start filling it out
b.- eTwinning Workshops from October to January: Students will be made to exchange emails withthe partners of the partner institution, with the aim of getting to know each other and developing ties to maintain a solid academic relationship during the Project and after this one. For this, eTwinning will be used as a platform for communication and exchange of ideas and experiences. In this way, the workshops held in each institution will be shared in a virtual way and will serve as preparation for the topics that will be addressed during mobility.
** eTwinning will be used to:
- have a first contact between students of educational institutions, so that lasting and sustainable relationships are established.
- carry out the pre-mobility activities with our students, using the English language as a communication tool and practicing reading-writing competence through simple and attractive exercises that prepare us for the mobility workshops.
MOB 1: Slovenia and Czech R. visit Spain January 13th to 17th
The Slovenian faculty will come as observers to CEPA Paulo Freire classes and we will train them in DIGITAL AND LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE. 
The 12 Slovenian students will enter the classroom and carry out joint activities with the students of the center; The usual curricular activities will be applied to them to experience the learning and the Spanish system. -Activities: Workshops with teachers: We will talk about several digital projects in which we are currently immersed: STEMadrid, Educational Innovation Project, The center training project: "Cepa Mode on". Our organization will be presented to you in the distance and semipresencial regime to see how these modalities are developed in CEPA Paulo Freire.
• Workshops for students: curricular activities that take place in English, in the day to day of a normal class, and in which Spanish students collaborate with Slovenes and can translate the practical class.
• Cultural activities: visits to the capital to see Madrid “ European heritage”, guided visit by Spanish students and teachers.
-Objectives: the acquisition and development of language proficiency in a foreign language and the improvement of digital competence in teachers and students.
-Results: We will continue with the student mobility, which is very motivating for them to be able to exchange good practices with our partners, increasing their self-esteem, their linguistic, digital, social, civic and entrepreneurial skills, but above all, socializing competence, which will allow our students and the students of our partners to share a unique school experience that otherwise they would not have had the financial means to do.
1.- technology: Introduction class to Arduino / Scratch
2.- Open English: Show Blog and perform oral activities (communicative method) Presentation of Spanish culture by presentations in pairs / groups of 3
3.- English distance and blended: Show Blog and how to work in these two modalities. Kahoot / Quizlet / Socrative
4.- biology: Lab workshop
5.- chemistry: workshops of chemical reactions prepared by students and presented by them to the partners.
6.- history: visit to Toledo “Learning about European heritage and Spanish history and art”
a.- N2 students prepare - written in English and Spanish - information on the most emblematic places in Madrid to present them to Slovenian partners.
b.- Visit to Madrid Capital Accompanied by two teachers.“Learning about European heritage and Spanish history and art”
Our Prague Partner: We will make an evaluation of our teaching method and help us evaluate the skills that are worked. Obtain, analyze and interpret the evaluation of the visiting partners, drawing the pertinent conclusions to apply improvements.
Organize the General Evaluation of the Project, establishing dates for virtual meetings in which the "General Evaluation of the Project" is shared and bimonthly evaluations of its progress are made.
It will carry out the bi-monthly evaluation of its progress and the impact and results.
With the results: We will disseminate the progress of both institutions in social networks, always labeling the other two partner organizations and EPALE. It will also collaborate in the Erasmus blog with articles on the progress and impact of the activities carried out and with reports of the visible results to promote transparency.
MOB 2: Spain and Czech R. visit Slovenia (March 9th-13th)
The Spanish faculty will travel as observers to the LUV classes and we will learn to use new methodologies such as Flipped Classroom in situ, experiencing and living the training in a class with the students of both countries. They will focus At the end of mobility, they will evaluate all aspects that concern us as an educational center: feasibility, suitability of activities, explanations of teachers, subjects taught, etc.
The 14 Spanish students will enter the classroom and carry out joint activities with the students of the center; The usual curricular activities will be applied to them to experience the learning and the system there.
- Objectives and activities: Promote the acquisition of basic skills in adult students through the practice of "Pilot Team" in a daily class and the observation of the guest teacher in the classroom and through the performance of these activities: We will make a teacher workshop on organization and improvement of the teaching community: motivation strategies for teachers to carry out educational programs. We will learn from the observation in classes with the Spanish and Slovenian students participating in it, to evaluate from outside the impact of the teaching strategies used for the acquisition of basic skills such as literacy and mathematics. Also the digital competition: they will show us strategies that we do not know about recreational activities for learning. They will show us their academic guidance system for students from both countries with learning difficulties, teaching strategies that will be applied to our students and learning techniques. There will be a cultural visit and history and art workshop for European heritage: visit to Velenje and Ljubliana (National Museum of Slovenia)
-Results: We will strengthen the networks with our collaborating centers, adult and other schools, we will increase our ability to work at a transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods, making these results positive and lasting.
- We will find proposals for methodological change through the observation of our partners and the evaluations of our "Pilot Team" which will allow us to face, as an institution, an adaptation of educational projects and curricula towards new, more motivating and open current educational challenges.
1.- Our Spanish students will enter into practical classes that are developed in English or where teachers / students can translate the development of the class.
2.- Explanation and practice of the Flipped Classroom. (Observation by teachers and active performance of all activities by selected students)
3.- Observation in classes with Spanish and Slovenian students participating in it, to assess from outside the impact of the teaching strategies used for the acquisition of basic skills.
4.- academic guidance for students from both countries with learning difficulties, teaching strategies that will be applied to our students and learning techniques.
5.- cultural visit and history and art workshop for European heritage: visit Velenje and Ljubliana to explain the historical evolution of the city and learn about its architecture, sculpture and painting (National Museum of Slovenia)
Prague Partner: We will make an evaluation of our teaching method and help us evaluate the skills that are worked. Obtain, analyze and interpret the evaluation of visiting partners, drawing the pertinent conclusions to apply improvements.
Organize the General Evaluation of the Project, establishing dates for virtual meetings in which the "General Evaluation of the Project" is shared and bimonthly evaluations of its progress are made.
It will carry out the bi-monthly evaluation of its progress and the impact and results.
With the results: We will disseminate the progress of both institutions in social networks, always labeling the other two partner organizations and EPALE. It will also collaborate in the Erasmus blog with articles on the progress and impact of the activities carried out and with reports of the visible results to promote transparency.
MOB 3: Slovenia and Spain attend a course in Czech R. (May 11th- 14th)
This mobility, only for teachers, is divided into 2 sections:
1.- Teacher training: improvement techniques in the evaluation systems.
The 4 participating teachers (2 Spaniards and 2 Slovenians) will attend an intensive course where the topics of:
a.- competency assessment
b.- evaluation criteria and learning standards
c.- diagnostic evaluation, qualitative and dynamic.
GLAFKA, organizes within this training, two visits to Czech educational centers that are implementing their evaluation systems. The participating teachers will be observers of the teaching practice of these centers, which will serve as an example of good practices.
2.- Thanks to this training on evaluation in the educational process, we will have reached the knowledge to make a final report.
We will study, the 3 partners, collaboratively:
a.- the reports with all the evaluations of mobilities 1 and 2 in which we will agree on what activities have been beneficial and positive for our students, according to the evaluation tests of the "Pilot Team" and the Czech consulting partner of the Project.
b.- the conclusions obtained and the possible changes in our methodologies: we will list the possible changes applicable in our organizations.
c.- we will apply the appropriate strategies and methodologies to adult students to improve the evaluation of basic skills in Adult Education.
d.- we will have a battery of strategies that will help us to change the statistics of the results of our students and the students of our partners.
e.- We will implement procedures to increase the number of adults who finish their studies and certify in Secondary Education.
Activities: Final report with all assessments of mobility 1 and 2., Conclusions and possible changes in our methodologies.
Teacher training: improvement techniques in evaluation systems. The 4 participating teachers will attend an intensive course where they will be treated:
a.- competency assessment
b.- evaluation criteria and learning standards
c.- diagnostic evaluation, qualitative and dynamic.
Results: We will learn to apply the appropriate strategies and methodologies to adult students to improve the evaluation of basic skills in Adult Education. Have a battery of strategies for the evaluation of student competencies.
Organizer of the third meeting / third mobility based on:
a.- Teacher training in effective evaluation methods for teachers and self-evaluation for students.
b.- organizer of the observation in two other adult centers; Reference centers in the Czech Republic for their results.
c.- evaluator in mobilities 1 and 2. (Direct observation of methods and classes, as well as the structure and organization of the center to evaluate effectively.
e.- organizer of the final report of project conclusions and applicable methodological changes
Once the mobilities are finished, it is necessary to carry out the following activities
- Europass will be the document that will be used for the recognition and validation of learning outcomes. 
- Youthpass will also be used to certify the acquisition of formal and non-formal skills in the project.
- Final report with all assessments of mobility 1 and 2., Conclusions and possible changes in our methodologies. Each student will make their own, as a learning diary. It must be signed by the student and sealed by the center.
  • Final report made by the 3 partners: improvement techniques in the teaching and evaluation systems observed in the 3 countries.
a.- competency assessment
b.- evaluation criteria and learning standards
c.- diagnostic evaluation, qualitative and dynamic.
Results: Evaluation of strategies and methodologies suitable for adult students to improve the evaluation of basic skills in Adult Education.
  • List of strategies for the evaluation of student competencies.
  • Dissemination in Social Networks, article in digital magazine


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WHAT´S OUR PROJECT ABOUT? EducADULTs is a strategic partnership with 3 partner countries: Slovenia (LUV) and Spain (CEPA Paulo Freire) c...